The purpose of this blog isn’t to cure the reader of the disease of addiction. If I had a solution to that, it would have been discovered long before my own addiction to alcohol.
The writings contained here are to provide glimpses of experience, both my own and those I have witnessed in groups and in reading and research over my pathway of recovery, and those experiences that lead me to my alcoholism and the inevitable consequences of that downward spiral…
…One of the things that I’ve learned about the disease of addiction and its causes, is that therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors in general, and those loved ones that are desperate to help you quit, are really operating in the dark about what alcoholism is about. Without the experience of the collapse, it is futile to imagine what it will take to rebuild.
This is why communing with like minded individuals is paramount to starting and staying on the path to healing and recovery. No one in this world shares the same circumstances that lead to the disease and most have a story so unique that it boggles the mind of the clinician and the analyst to no end. This is why the closest people to relate those experiences to are those that have the one common factor to share, which is of course the pitfalls and destruction of their own addiction.
The building blocks that will make a person whole and free of the bonds of addiction are shared between those that have been there and have had success in recovery. Those building blocks aren’t huge revelation ah-ha moments. They are tiny snippets of wisdom and experience to be plugged into our hungry minds, and if they fit, built upon and integrated into a new and vibrant soul.
This is the purpose of this blog. It is to provide small ideas that the reader can use to aid them in their journey. Some of those pieces will fit, and some do not. Ultimately, you the reader decide.
As I teach I learn, and as I learn I teach. Enjoy the Pearls…